During the cask ale Renaissance in the late 1980’s, a decision was made by the then owners of the Brunswick Inn (Trevor Harris and John Evans) to build an extension to the Inn, itself built back in 1840. Construction was started in 1990, and the following year the Brunswick Inn regained its long lost original capacity to produce its own beer.
A traditional tower style brewery built over three levels, great care was taken to keep the brewery in keeping with the history of the Inn, with lines of windows and stonework following through into the extension. The plant itself was installed in April 1991, and on the 11th June 1991 production of Brunswick Brewing Company beer began. A 10 imperial barrel brewery (16hls), the plant brews roughly twice per week, and currently has 7 core beers, including one from it’s popular ‘Engine Shed Project’ craft range. As well as the core, the brewery also produces several new and seasonal beers every year, and occasionally re-brews a recipe from the Brunswick breweries many past brews
Aside from being the main producer of the Brunswick Inn’s ales, the brewery also producers beer for the estate of Everards brewery of Leicester (the land owner of The Brunswick Inn), as well as the local free trade and beer festivals. In 2018, the Brunswick brewery was very glad to welcome the Dead Poets Inn, Derbyshire, into the Brunswick family. With all this, the Brunswick Brewing Company has established itself up and down the country, and has collected many awards for its ale, from local festival awards to national recognition.
The Brunswick Brewing Co is currently run by long-time head brewer James Salmon, who along with the pubs tenants Alan Pickersgill and Philippe Larroche, both award winning licensees, are working to maintain the Brunswick Inn and Brewing Company as one of the premier brew pubs in the country, and the Dead Poets Inn as one of the best countryside cask ale houses in Derbyshire.